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Providing children the opportunity to express their truth,
heal their hearts and reach their full potential

Now is the time for compassion

The Covid-19 pandemic has swept through our homes and lives as a great invisible force, turning much of what we know upside down. As a therapist and early childhood teacher working with children on a daily basis, I am becoming more and more aware of both the obvious and the subtle ways our children are…

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The power of reading to children

The power of reading to children

Reading to children is a wonderful and powerful way to communicate our care, and to help them learn a variety of important skills. Socially and emotionally, reading to our children has a deeper and more profound impact than we might imagine.  When we read to children, it gives them the opportunity to increase their attention…

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Dealing with separation anxiety in young children

Dealing with separation anxiety in young children

Separation anxiety can be quite a challenge for both little ones and their parents! While it is perfectly normal and peaks at certain ages and developmental stages, it can still be daunting. Keep reading for some ideas on how to ease into transitions! Separation anxiety normally peaks between 18 months and three years, when little…

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Preparing for the arrival of a new sibling

Preparing for the arrival of a new sibling

Anticipating the arrival of a new sibling, and getting used to sharing parents’ attention, can be a challenging time for little ones. It can be especially hard for toddlers, as they struggle with ambivalence around wanting to be a baby again, but also wanting to fulfill the developmental task of autonomy, and doing things by…

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More on my play therapy collaboration with children’s book writer and illustrator

In last week’s post, I interviewed Liesl van der Hoven about her children’s stories, products and philosophy. In today’s interview, she tells us more about her illustration techniques, the therapeutic element in her work, and Fairy Caravan’s future plans!  Your artwork in particular in your latest project, the children’s book ‘What if worries weren’t wild?’,…

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